The first time I was aware of Bob Dylan I was about 5, he was on the television, he still had his baby fat, and this phrase appeared in my brain: HOUS...
6 years ago Cody Weaver added an entry in Thanks for Calming Dad DownI often lose my phones, it drives dad up the wall. This particular time I was on a plan with insurance for the phone I had lost but you know how telec...
6 years ago jessica may kelly added an entry in Matt - not a final product but just my random thoughts. My perspective on BobI wanted to a singer for very long time and dancing all the times I got new routine all the times actually
7 years ago Alice Rusnov added an entry in Just like the rest, not like the rest...To begin with, I am just like the rest. I am a fan, a follower and dare I say it, a worshiper of Bob Dylan. I read everything I can about him, by h...
8 years ago Eva Metodi added an entry in My Ethan and BobMy son Ethan got diagnosed with sever Autism when he was 2, in this time he regressed so fast and so violently he could not stand any sounds. He would...
8 years ago Chase Cameron Carnahan added an entry in Freewheelin Like a Rolling StoneMr Dylan, There is so much in my life that I have learned from you without even meeting you.. When I say that you're my idol, I could not be more li...
9 years ago Dab Nichols added an entry in The Mighty Bob...My 2-year old Great Nephew and I love I made Quinn his very own Dylan. Working from a fairly recent photo, Bob is totally hand stitched and ...
9 years ago Denise Konkal added an entry in Some of what Bob Dylan means to meSome of what Bob Dylan means to me Denise M. Konkal June 24, 2016 Dear Bob I wrote this ...
9 years ago Carol Davis-Rios added an entry in Birthday wish to Bob DylanI thought you might want to see a either a young Will or Charlie Sexton in Austin, TX in 1983. Happy Birthday!
9 years ago Carol Davis-Rios added an entry in Birthday wish to Bob DylanYou strike me as the type of person who is totally bored with adoration. So I will try to keep it to a minimum. I want to thank you for the years of ...
9 years ago Mindy A. Boysen added an entry in Freedom and Dreams for a Young GirlI'm Mindy and I have a very good friend, Carol, who has been a big fan of Bob Dylan's since he came on the scene. She and her sisters had to play and ...
9 years ago Jack Ferrante added an entry in Much Thanks to You, Mr. Dylan!Mr. Dylan...Happiest of Birthdays to you this year! I've been listening to your music since the late '70's, and I love it! Your albums "Slow Train C...
9 years ago Alessandra Silvestrini added an entry in a man with cowboy bootsOnce more, a man with cowboy boots walks down to the drizzly roads. He dresses a black suit, a boxy white hat and walks with measured slowness; nothin...
9 years ago Kevin Christopher added an entry in year was 1970 and first I had lost my older brother in a terrible accident and months letter my mother passed away from grief. Which left a 12 year...
9 years ago Wil Fennell added an entry in Happy Birthday, Mr. BobI was born in southern Illinois in 1961, and the first songs I sang as a toddler were "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" and "She Loves You." It was all Beatles...
9 years ago