Alan's thoughts on bobby dylan
Alan Maloon — 10 years ago
I wanted to put your picture above my bed
My mother would have preferred the rebbe.
I have marveled at the countless versions of almost every song performed at so many venues over so many years
Few will pass on and be able to really have given something so wonderful to the the music world
We are fortunate to live in your time
I close my eyes and hear your tunes, I see your masterful words before me all the time
In my neurology clinc above my desk I have a large photo-it's you chin in hand smiling down on me.
So the rebbes picture is now in another place.
Thanks bob.
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Look out kid, It’s somethin’ you did
God knows when but you’re doin’ it again
Ash to Ash
Like every leaf that trembles, like every grain of sand.
Birthday wish to Bob Dylan
Dylan Dreams on canvas
It's unbelievable, what they'd have you to think.
Last Thoughts on Bob Dylan's Birthday
Song of the Soul
You've received a special delivery
from Alice.
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What it's been like.
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Pencil portrait
Happy Birthday, Mr. Bob
a man with cowboy boots
Much Thanks to You, Mr. Dylan!
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Freewheelin Like a Rolling Stone
My Ethan and Bob
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Surreal Skies
Matt - not a final product but just my random thoughts.
My perspective on Bob
Not dar yet
Thanks for Calming Dad Down
Can i actually get a message ro Mr Bob Dylan?
Johnny Cash recorded the New Testament. If only Bob Dylan would record the Old.
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