Awww, what a lucky cat!
10 years ago Caroline Bobby added an entry in My MuseBebe is my muse Thank you, Bebe. Unlike Leonard, I don't have a plaited rope of beauties to write into songs of love and hate. Though there have been...
10 years ago Kendra Lea Hull added an entry in The blissful ignorance of a bird's brainSome people are cat people and some people are cat-people people. When I was four, I asked for my dog to die so that I could get a kitten for Christm...
10 years ago Russel Taine added an entry in Taking Orion HomeSometime last year, I noticed something that piqued my curiosity: a kitten, small as your hand and black as night, was lurking uncollered on my block....
10 years ago Steve Edwards added an entry in Love found in a catMy cats eyes do that slow blink when they want to say they love me.
10 years ago Kim Gorsuch added an entry in Our BengalsI'm Nobby! I'm a clutz, and that makes me endlessly entertaining for my people. I'm also a cuddly cat, as in, I drape easily over your shoulder and...
11 years ago Kim Gorsuch added an entry in Our BengalsTobasco, our female cat, is an archetypal cat. She just loves to share her affection, but only on her terms and her whim. Her favorite time is defi...
11 years ago Kim Gorsuch added an entry in Our BengalsOur two Bengals are first generation domestic, and they are quite a mix of quirky, skittish, opinionated and talkative. They are lovely when they ar...
11 years ago