Our two Bengals are first generation domestic, and they are quite a mix of quirky, skittish, opinionated and talkative. They are lovely when they are sleeping, and follow me around the house like a dog when they are not. They also like to playfully zoom around the space, play-fighting with each other, and stopping occasionally to terrorize the dog.
Nobby, the male ginger cat lounges around like a little lion, following his "cheetah-like" sister, Tobasco, who is rather clearly in charge. She figures out how to open doors and "shows" Nobby the trick, but there must be something a little off with his "copy" button. Tobasco knows just where to press and does it consistently. But Nobby... he tries the top, the bottom, the left the right... never quite hitting the magic spot! When he was little, he used to tumble down the stairs, or get stuck getting in or out of his tower... Have you ever seen a clumsy cat? It's hilarious.
Tobasco, our female cat, is an archetypal cat. She just loves to share her affection, but only on her terms and her whim. Her favorite time is definitely early morning when she likes to pounce on the bed with her signature low and growly meow, and then to "kiss" you with her scratchy sandpaper tongue and "knead" you with her ultra-sharp claws until you pet her in exactly the right spot, and she rewards you with a magnificent purr... That purr makes it rather worth it.
When she's had her fill, and you are wide awake, off she goes, stalking imaginary creatures in the dawn.
I'm Nobby! I'm a clutz, and that makes me endlessly entertaining for my people. I'm also a cuddly cat, as in, I drape easily over your shoulder and don't complain too much while you pet me, as long as you put me down fairly quickly, ideally in my tower. That way I can look you straight in the eye and we can pretend we're playing top cat.
Now, I had to play this game for real with my human dad. He thought he could take a hard line with me, but that was never gonna work. I could always pee on his things to show him "boss." I was pretty sure he wouldn't reciprocate, and he didn't. He finally learned and now we're mates.