Words To My Hero

Luke   —  

Dear Hillary,
I am Luke, a 19 year-old male, whom you have inspired since the first time he saw you on tv campaigning for the Democratic nomination back in 2008. I remember feeling a sense of awe and respect when you stood on a podium and spoke so passionately and eloquently for what you believed in. You see for a 10 year-old boy from a conservative Asian country like Singapore, seeing a woman command that much respect in the public arena was revalatory. Through that campaign, I remember cheering you on every time you appeared on tv. I cried when you lost to then Sen. Obama and I hoped it wouldn't be the end of the road for you.
As time passed and you became an amazing Secretary of State, I matured and read more about the United States; its history, politics and the social issues it faces today. I read about how you contributed positively to Arkansas and the entire United States through your work, both on the ground and in office, on measures affecting education, healthcare, human rights and so many other important issues. But as a hero of mine Sir Winston Churchill once said, "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life".
From the Republicans to the Russians, conservatives and some progressives; there are lots of people both ordinary and powerful, from within and outside the US who hold an unfavorable opinion of you. I should know, I faced dozens of attacks and critiques on your platform and your character. To be honest, their dislike of you only made me respect you more. Because you have found your calling and once a person has found his or her calling, nothing can stop him or her.
I will always think highly of you mam, not just because most of my political views and policy positions align with yours but because you have never stopped fighting for what you have believed in. Your persistence and your resilience is a shining example for all to follow. I think you have heard enough about 2016. But allow me to say that I followed every moment of your campaign. From the opening video through the primary season, the high points of the DNC, the gruelling election campaign and the final punishing end; I was there every step of the way. Almost like you were a friend that I felt compelled to be there for. Well, the child in me still hopes that you'll run for president again but whatever the future holds, you will always be my modern-day hero. Even though you might not actually read this letter, I wish you all the best in whatever you set mind to. I will always be with you.

Best regards,