The purple friend in my heAd

Annonymous   —  

????'ve been a lover of Prince's music since '78 with Soft n Wet. ???? was in middle school. His music did something 2my insides. As ???? got older ???? discovered a sensualness about myself. His voice & instruments made me feel movement in my soul & veins. ???? saw my 1st comcert when ????was 16.......1999 tour. My mom took my cousin 11yrs old & myself. She knew a concert promoter so we got back stage by his dressing room. When he came out ???? almost missed him. ???? felt like i was floating on air walking behind him. As ???? called his name & was just about2 tap him on the shoulder, a giant stepped in between us. Chick! He put his gigantic finger in my chest & said 2stay back. No one touches him. ????Was devasted! ????'M 16!!!!! ???? Began crying. But it was an amazing concert. As yrs went on he mezmorized me. ???? Admired his genious & his selflessness of promoting talent incognito so no one knew he was involved. Any gifts of his talents that he put out ???? Loved & couldnt wait2have. As ????became a woman my freak came out. I wore paisley n lace & went clubbin always asking the dj 2play Prince. Whenever his music came on ???? Had this energized feeling 2dance, even if my feet were sore as hell. He just put his purpleness in my veins. ???? wanted2 know more about him but just stuck 2what the media put out & the word of mouth From fans. ???? Didnt personally know him so thought it odd2 become a groupie. My admiration 4him was good enough 4me. But ????Really couldnt get enough. Seeing his concerts throughout the years was the best. But being within 10 feet of him in club 3121 in vegas was incredible. Its like theres a magnetic pull from him drawing u in. He is truely UNIQUE!!!!! ???? Cant say the D word but when he passed, my reaction from my friends text was "please tell me this is a sick joke!" ???? really felt my heart break. Its like ????Knew him ????Was so distraught! ????Still crying when ????Hear certain songs or verses or see his pic on a magazine. Or hear someone talk bout him. How can one feel so deep on a person u dont even know. Through his music he let the world in. ????'Ve been able 2find so many interviews & videos that have never been seen. It makes me feel as though hes still here. Hes such a cutie & a comedian. Anything this man put his hands on is gold & ???? Love his fashion & everything he does. 2have been one of his peers,; how lucky they are. ????'M a friend thru music only. How ????Wanted2meet him. ????Sent out a message 2him but it prob never reached him. ???? Wanted2 watch my daughter play guitar & piano with him. One in a million chance but ???? Felt one day it would happen. Now my only thought is2 anxiously wait2 see him at the diamond n pearls gate on a purple plush cloud. If he wasnt known b4 he sure is now! A UNIQUE. LEGEND!!! Thanks 4giving me my sexiness. 4that u r apart of me 4eva!Oh so how i miss you My friend ..... Prince