The last show at home

Annonymous   —  

There were so many Prince concerts 2 choose from my memories but I'm picking the last 1 he performed at home which was also the "kick off" of his "Piano & Microphone" tour.
This concert was so beautiful & personal. It will always stand out from the 17 others because of he gave us a peek inside of him. He started it out just talking with us. Talking of his childhood, his father, when he became interested in playing, & it was all just a musical journey he seemed 2 take us on. A special "VIP" section was sectioned off directly in front of the small stage. There were throw pillows on the floor 4 about 10-15 of us 2 sit on. Others had seats behind us. Sitting on that pillow I felt like a kid in kindergarten waiting 2 hear the teacher tell us a "story". I smiled 2 myself & looked around 2 see all these smiling faces. The thing that separates us Prince followers from all the other artists fan bases is the fact that we live by an unspoken rule of "Love4oneAnother". We treat each other like family. No matter if we just met or have known each other years. I have people in my life now that I've met through all the concerts & numerous Prince groups that are closer 2 me than some of my blood family members. I was fortunate enough 2 attend this show because of a few ladies in 1 particular group who found out I couldn't afford 2 go so they (unbeknownst 2 me) pooled their resources just 2 make sure I could go! Talk about LOVE!!!! Women I have never met, let alone spoken 2 outside of these groups. Did I meet them there? Only 1 of them came & I call her my sister because she not only helped get me in but she bought a 2nd ticket personally so that I could attend the 2nd show with her.....the others couldn't make it because of their situations & traveling etc..but they knew I lived right here in Mpls & couldn't fathom me not being at that show so they made it happen. I was floored by their generosity, but I would do the same 4 any 1 of them. I think us Purple people are cut from different cloth. But back 2 the show!..Lol. When the lights went down & the smoke began we knew he was about 2 appear. There was faint smell of incense drifting throughout the room & moments later he walked up on stage 2 approach the piano but he walked 2 the front of the stage 1st....2 greet us. He was dressed so comfortably in sneakers & an outfit sorta like the 1 he wore in "Rave Un2 the year 2000. Minus the sparkles & glitter.Very simple. Very different from all the custom fitted suits I was accustomed 2 seeing him in. Then again, he was at home. This was Prince entertaining a few guests. That's just the way he made it seem. We sang along & listened 2 him play. Then he would give us a lil story or share a personal memory. It was a nite I will never 4get. Prince will 4ever live in my memory. My home will continue 2 play his music as if he's still here. In my mind he never left. He will remain with each of us in our hearts & minds. In the memorable words of Prince. I close with "Love4oneAnother."
Ure "Purple brother" Lee. ????