Purplelicious love always

Annonymous   —  

In 1979 I first heard my first Prince song, it was called "I Wanna Be Your Love". Had to ask the record store employee who it was, and he told me Prince. I had no clue who this Prince was. See I was into the rock band KISS very deeply back than. Never gave it much thought, til a year later when I heard "Let's Work". Again, I had to ask "Who is this guy"? Well after learning that it was Prince, I went out and bought the cassette tape of "Controversy". U can say I literally fell in love with this guy. Over the next 2 years, I was introduced to "Dirty Mind", and "1999". Loved the whole "1999" album, such a fantastic double LP. Well in 1984 as most of U know,"Purple Rain" dropped. I went out and bought the cassette,than the LP. Than I saw the movie,and the rest is PRINCEtory. I could not get enough of Prince. I bought all his pass LP's, every cassette,and anything Prince Related that I could find. I collected news stories, articles, posters,pictures,U name it;if it was PRINCE I wanted it.Even collected all of his protege bands,"The Family""Vanity 6",later "Apollonia 6",all of "The Times" music,"Sheila E",even rare obscure bands like "Good Question". My bedroom walls were covered with Prince posters and pictures. In 1985 I called Minnesota 411/information asking for the numbers of the band members of "The Revolution".The operator gave me a listing 4 Robert Rivkin aka "Bobby 'Z". On a whim I called the number, and a man answers the phone. "Hello", I asked;'Is this Bobby 'Z from "The Revolution"? He stated yes and we talked for about an hour. Over the next several weeks I would call him up and chat about life,music and Prince and The Band. I mailed him the LP sleeve from "Dirty Mind",he signed it and returned it.I called 2 thank him and asked if he could please,pretty please get Prince's autograph 4 me. Well he laughs and says,"If ya know Prince,like I think U do, ya know that might be hard"!? I mailed him 2 postcards,prestamped, a few days later I received the postcards in the mail box. One signed by Bobby 'Z "Reach 4 The Sky" Bobby 'Z;and the other by our man himself. Simply stated;"LOVE GOD" PRINCE. I could not believe that I was actually holding those postcard in my hands. Was so C.O.O.L 2 have that in my collection. I did call Bobby up and thank him,but never got 2 speak 2 him again,as he had 2 have his number changed for privacy reasons,which I totally understand. His music took me on a musical journey like no other artist or band had ever done before in my lifetime! Needless 2 say,no one else has even come close,now or ever will 2 remotely touching the pure raw and GOD given talent of Prince..In 1986 my Mother bought me a ticket 2 go see my first Prince concert. It was in Denver Colorado. The "Parade" tour. Soundtrack from another cool movie by Prince, "Under The Cherry Moon. I was so blown away and on such and epic high during that show.Watching him and his band tear through song after song, and all of those fancy moves,guitar playing,drum playing, and that voice. I had more than one eargasm! After that show it took me several days to come down, well I don't think that I ever did. I continued 2 grab everything Prince and Prince related I could find. So many great albums continued to flow,unfortunately around 1991 I kinda fell out of listening 2 Prince's music. I'd occasionally hear a cut on the radio and know right away that it was him,but I sorta moved on in a different direction, and started jamming rap,R&B, and the whole gangsta era. But as anybody that loves Prince and his music knows, Once ya go purple, ya can never leave. Prince is more than a musical interest,he is a life style, he is the way we live,he is the way we love, he is life and when it comes 2 us Purple Hippie's;there is no turning back from the pure love and admiration 4 him. In 1997 I was living in Las Vegas, and Prince was coming 2 town 4 his "Jam of the Year" concert.A local radio station was giving away tickets, and I was lucky 2 score 2 excellent tickets, and great seats. Took a lil lovely 2 the show with me, and as usual, Prince put on an amazing show. It would take several weeks 2 come off of that funky high. Well 2 be honest, I do not think we ever come off of that HIGH after seeing Prince preform,the memories remain in our minds,heart body and souls. Seeing Prince in concert is not just and experience, it is 4ever life changing. I continued to collect his music and memorabilia, and watch all of his amazing videos. This man changed my views on life,on love and my whole outlook and being. I never got the pleasure 2 see Prince preform in concert ever again. Even though I live fairly close 2 Paisley Park,about 6 hours. I never had the opportunity 2 see him there. I kept saying 2 myself;"One Day Soon". Well as everyone knows, Our Dearly Beloved Prince Rogers Nelson passed away on April 21st at Paisley Park. My life has not or never will be the same after I heard of the passing of such a truly talented man. The days and nights since this tragic and heart breaking news has been extremely rough and so hard 2 deal with. I have cried,screamed,yelled and broke stuff. I now try 2 smile and heal through all the amazing songs and videos that we were so gifted 2 receive from such a legend. Prince is an icon,a genius,Prince is music. In closing, I just want 2 say that I was and am truly blessed 2 have had Prince and all of his fantastic bands,and band mate's in my lifetime.I may have never of met U Prince, but I feel like I have and have lived and loved vicariously through U.
Thank U So Much 4 An Amazing Journey. O(+>
Irresistible Rich aka Rich Cranmore