Family not a fan?????

Annonymous   —  

My memories of Prince span over 35 years. As a young girl my brothers all danced to his music & remixed it to add with drill team performances. ( The Time Boys, Pink Lace & Dream Boys.) I had no idea of the lyrics & meaning. I just knew his voice made me feel good. My bedroom was kept dark ( I covered the windows with cardboard ). I had a purple lamp, light bulb , lace gloves and the first 5 of his albums covers on my wall.
I listened to his music to take me away from everything.! As I grew into a teenager Prince aided in my sexuality, beauty and understanding of what it meant to be sexy. I loved him. He was beautiful and still all man!!
My mom once broke my Eritic City 45 record: said I had no idea what I was singing, she was right but I was heartbroken ????
My entire life has been marked by the music & the depths of his genius.
My children were raised on his music & just as I felt the emotion that came through the speakers. So did they????
My relationships as an adult were satuated in his music. Either happy or sad. Excited or heartbroken??
I can close my eyes as if it were yesterday.
My sisters and I went to see Prince at the Bradley Center. His last concert here in Milwaukee. We were amazed that we had 3rd row seats to whiteness his greatness ????
Adding to our amazing experience was that Prince pointed his white cain at me ????
He was inviting guest on stage with him.
Yes me... Omg???? I ran up the stairs to the stage & was in shock , the next thing I know my baby sister Kari was right next to me on stage . We jumped ,hugged, cried and sang "Kiss" with him. I ran to his purple piano and sat there looking into the crowd . My other sister Mandy was frozen just standing and starring in awe that her sisters were on stage with him. As he held the microphone to our mouths to sing along with him, Kari did something we still talk about today. She actually grabbed one of his butt cheeks while singing . Prince looked at her and turned to the mic and let out his infamous Awwa!!!
We were like kids in a candy store. What were the chances of two sisters on the same stage at the same time with the badd man himself???!!
Our mother, aunt and other family/friends were in the audience but WE WERE ON STAGE????
April 21, 2016 was a difficult day for me. My entire family was heartbroken ????. Family members were calling into work, tears falling from our eyes and blasting his music was one way we expressed our pain. I had to go to Paisley Park. I wanted to drive from Milwaukee , Wi to MN alone if I had too.
I got my hair braided and added purple to it, I got a t-shirt made with a beautiful picture of him along with my favorite songs listed in the back.( my son De'Motts best friend Trav& wife Natasha made that possible )
My husband Gregory knew my pain and desire to be present in MN. Watching on television was not good enough. He told me to plan a trip, book a room, and filled the tank. I was on my way.????
I decided to invite my mom, daughter and granddaughter to take the Purple Trip with me. Wow 4 generations going to pay tribute to the man that was more than a musical genius that passed. He was and is family.
The trip was incredible, we listened to a tribute that played on sati lite radio the whole trip. For the 1st time in my life I could sing the songs in front and with my 67 year old mom. (Kristine)
Amazing memories listing to my 26 year old daughterJessicca Monique say; oh now I know why you love him so much mama. We all sang together, cried and laughed. We immediately stopped at 1st Ave. Taking pictures, leaving flowers, making videos and going live via FB ....
Our trip included staying overnight too ensure we were able to visit the entire compound.
Overwhelmed with the out pouring of love that included everything from pictures, cassette tapes, paintings, flowers ,signatures on momentous to My custome made poster board that brought Milwaukee Family to Paisley Park. Filled with names, pictures & quotes. It began to rain really hard??
Although it was pouring rain with many of us slipping in the huge mud slides around his home, it was packed. Streets closed off with blocks of parked cars everywhere. My granddaughter A'Mottia was 9 months old at the time, we had to cover her and protect the stroller she was being pushed in. Of course we made sure to fill up on Vitiam C along with umbrellas/rain coats. Yes... We were ready and nothing was going to stop us from laying out eyes on his home and leaving our mark of memory/condolences /love.
I made sure to laminate the board. I also bought silver circled hooks to attach the poster to the fence around his home. I made sure it would not get ruined & crossed my fingers that once the family started to remove things from around his home, my poster would survive the elements. I still pray they put the poster in what will one day be a museum ????
As we left MN I still could not process that we had lost such a remarkable man. I still cry today????
I lost my first born son in 2012 at the age of 25. He passed in his sleep. All I kept telling myself over and over was that De'Mott was now dancing in the Purple Rain?
He too loved Prince( especially his romantic/baby making music )????
June7,2016: we celebrated with a Purple Picnic & will each year for his birthday. He may be physically gone, just like my son but they both will never be forgotten. I will always have a piece of my heart broken ????
I loved Prince. I will always love Prince.
Today, Tomorrow & Always.
Today I collect all magazines ( positive tributes only), have a album titled Prince on my FB page. I am also making a scrap book & DVD of all my memories. I want my grandchildren to enjoy the stories I continue to tell & for them to share them with there children. I'm thankful for sites like yours to allow us to share. It would be a blessing to be included in the book your putting together.
My brothers at age (50+) still have the moves. Pink Lace2015 is on u tube showing them drilling(they have been doing this for over 35 years ) This was taken at a Reuion in August 2015.
We will carry him and his music with us forever ????
Thank you for allowing me to share
Jessicca Johnson
Milwaukee, Wisconsin