Sometimes it snows in April

Annonymous   —  

Ive loved him since I was 13. I had to battle with my parents and hide his posters in my closet and behind my doors. I snuck his music and listened to it every chance I could. My parents would throw away anything Prince related until I turned 16. They at that point realized I loved him and nothing could stop that. It's the same today.His music helped me through every stage in life and helped me answer questions while trying to find myself. He was always there. Under the cherry moon is one of my favorite movies and the songs are to. Sometimes it snows in April had so much meaning especially after he passed in April. I knew then that would be the tribute tattoo I would get in his honor. Those that know Prince get it. To the rest I have to explain the words and meaning behind my tattoo. I explain in pride.The tattoo has snowflakes going up my leg and around my foot. There is a large snowflake with a purple rose in the middle.