Annonymous   —  

Too many songs, concerts, and moments involved to describe what Prince meant to me, showed me, taught me, gave to me, made me. I loved Prince! Funny how that sentence says it all and yet doesn't even begin to explain the depth of my feelings...So instead of trying to put something indescribable into words, which is a talent only Prince truly mastered, I've decided to share one of my favorite concert one point during the concert, the band left the stage and it was just Prince with a guitar. He started singing Cream. Of course the audience is singing along with him. So he gets to the 2nd verse "You're so good, baby there ain't nobody better" and crowd is still singing along. At this point is a backup vocal, but no one sings it. Backup singers not on stage and crowd has been following along with Prince on the lead. Prince stops playing, and says to the audience "ya'll better sing my backup" then starts the verse over. Its a favorite because I loved that the baddest, funkiest, coolest, most talented genius walking the planet was also playful and funny.
Love me some Prince FOREVER.