I just knew...

Annonymous   —  

When I was a teenager of almost 15, there was a movie that had come out called Purple Rain. I will never forget how excited I was, the fellow starring in it was my idol.
I heard my first Prince song when I was 10, and I had no idea why I loved it, I just did. I had no knowledge of what sex or love were really, but I knew that music, that voice and that man were something amazing. Turns out I was right.
I remember lying about my age to get tickets to go see Purple Rain and MAKING my brother go with me. I remember all of the teasing and taunting I endured in those teenage years because I said Prince was my favorite and how amazing he was and someday he would show all of those doubters!! Boy, did he ever.
I remember my father coming into my bedroom and taking Polaroid pictures of my walls, every inch of them covered with pictures of my idol, my absolute God. Yes, I still have those pictures. My father told me he was taking them because when I got older, I wouldn't remember I did such a thing. My father isn't often wrong, but he was about that.
I remember defending EVERYTHING about Prince in my youth because, well, honestly his sexual preference and all of that nonsense never mattered to me. All that mattered to me was that he kept singing, dancing and playing forever. How I wish that had come to be. I was mezmerized every single time I laid eyes on him.
I saw my first Prince concert when I was 19. I was pregnant with my daughter at the time and didn't even know it at that point. She, by the way, is a lover of Prince as well. I am grateful the events of my life unfolded in just that way.
There was never a time that I saw or heard him that I did not get chills. His very presence was enough to bring me to tears, and did. Because I just knew....
I knew the positive energy he had and the sheer and total naked talent he possessed. I have relied on his music through so many times on my life. Sometimes for comfort, sometimes for knowledge. Always for complete and total pleasure.
Prince taught me love, Prince taught me lust, Prince taught me sex, Prince taught me courage. Prince taught me joy and Prince taught me sorrow.
The question is, what to do now that my teacher is gone?
I will never know the pure joy of music as Prince has shown me. I will always be grateful for all of the lessons he has taught me. And, I will forever miss him and his presence in this world. This, this you simply do not fully recover from. Thank you, sweet Prince for being such an incredible teacher and friend, even though we never met. It has meant the world to me to be in this world with you.