Inspiring Entrepreneurship
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Eugene Sepulveda   —   11 years ago

Whether it's hosting the best & brightest youth in Central Texas as we hosted planning meetings for TEDxYouth@Austin, or this year's (already) 450+ kids during middle & high school field trips - the space and the stories turn kids on to entrepreneurship. Even just a late night drive by: one Saturday night (probably about 10pm), after we'd been out to dinner and a walk, Steven & I brought four friends to Capital Factory - including a 13yo and a 16yo. They haven't quit talking about it since. The two teens were electrified by the energy still in the rooms, by the idea of working around all the other cool kids, sharing ideas, meeting in the kitchen, napping on the huge pillows, living with our views, and changing the world.

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    Joshua - 11 years ago
    Eugene, I'm so thankful for all of the students and other VIPs you bring to Capital Factory on a daily basis. I'm looking forward to seeing our partnership with Entrepreneur's Foundation continue to grow.
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