Unconditional Giving
With entries from:
Eric Gould Bear   —   11 years ago

I love office hours.

People whom I may have never met before come to me in the kitchen seeking connection and support. I get to generate love for them from nothing. We talk about what they're passionate about, they ask questions, I ask questions, they leave with new approaches to try and I generally hope to see them again.

They don't have to take my advice and I don't expect anything in return for my time. It's a perfect space for giving unconditionally.

Ben Cantey   —   9 years ago

My first impression
Of Capital Factory was of a downtown tech startup, jam packed with seemingly self-entitled, white, privileged, adult children and mentors who were retired, bored business execs that enjoyed the ego stroke of young people clamoring for their opinions and advice.

As I think back to my early days I realize that I was intimidated, bitter, and overwhelmed by what appeared to be a giant 'members only' club. Each day someone changed this perception for me. Every day it seemed I would encounter someone hell bent on doing me a favor with no request or ask in return. My suspicion slowly turned to incredulous amazement. My insecurity evolved into confidence. The massive chip on my shoulder eventually crumbled until I was telling everyone that the best move they could make for their startup was to join Capital Factory. I was and am a believer.

My experience at Capital Factory is not an isolated one but something that happens on a daily basis here. It is a community of people trying to do something most humans would be too scared or reasonable to attempt. It's no wonder that Austin has such a renowned national (or even global) reputation for being a collaborative city. Having experienced Capital Factory, Rocket Space, The Brandery, TechStars, and YC, I wonder if Capital Factory is not just the center of gravity for startups in Austin but the catalyst of this camaraderie and drive to help everyone get a foot or leg up. It's the 'give first, ask second' mentality at Capital Factory and in Austin that separates us from the rest of the country.

Josh, the mentors, staff, partners, and members have created a mad machine out of this desire to give back to entrepreneurs and in doing so, have altered the heart and soul of Austin. Hats off to you all and thank you for mending this broken down entrepreneur.

  • - just now