Capital Factory: The Unfair Advantage
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jason duncan   —   11 years ago

If I imagine my company, ManagerComplete, as part of Capital Factory then imagine it without Capital Factory’s help … wow, what a positive difference CF makes. In fact, these two companies would not even be the same species, not anything alike at all.

The amount of support and knowledge from business black belt legends like Mikey Trafton and Gordon Daugherty is simply immeasurable. Their impact and advice really has made the difference between success and failure for my business.

You just cannot find better people to talk to about business than what you will find at CF. People that really do care about you and aren’t going to sugar coat anything either. There is tremendous value in that alone.

When you also consider all the advertising help I’ve received from Yvonne Tocquigny, the business strategy help from Dean Drako, and all the sales help from Alan Patty, Capital Factory really does provide an unfair advantage. These three individuals have made such a huge impact on the direction of my business and have advanced me exponentially as a business person.

Not to mention … where else could I raise $150K with a large chunk of it coming in the form of automatic matching funds. The opportunity is just unheard of from my perspective.

Then, you throw in all the perks like $60K free from Microsoft Azure, $24K from Rackspace, etc. Plus all the CF events, CFU classes, start-up crawls ... the list goes on and on. There is just no comparing a company in CF vs a company not in CF.

Most importantly, I’ve met some great people at CF in the form of other entrepreneurs. Having them to share victories and struggles is such an important part of the journey. Sometimes it can seem as though no good news goes unpunished so it’s nice to have other people to be inspired by when things are rough. And it’s nice to return the favor and inspire others when things are going well.

Although I probably annoy Josh on a regular basis asking for free or discounted stuff, I am constantly grateful for his efforts in continually advancing the CF program. I am equally thankful for Josh's efforts to help us all move forward in search of our visions and dreams.

Well done, Josh Baer!

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