Waxing O'Poetic
With entries from:
Katie O'Brien   —   10 years ago

There are many famous O'Brien's for many different things (yes including kings) but some of my favorite are in modern day arts and entertainment. Conan O'Brien, late night comedian, is possibly one of the most well-known right now, especially with his recent announcement to host the MTV Movie Awards. He is indeed hilarious, and in my opinion, gives our surname a fun reputation with an audience both young and old.

In high school AP English we read Tim O'Brien's "In the Lake of the Woods" a mysterious tale of love and scandal involving the Vietnam war and a Senate campaign. I thoroughly enjoyed it and sought to read more of his novels on my own time including "Tomcat in Love" and "The Things They Carried."

One of my all-time favorite "famous artists" in the O'Brien clan is Richard, writer and actor of the 1975 cult legend "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," a musical comedy horror film that humorously salutes science fiction and cheesy horror movies from a span of decades. I first watched this classic in middle school and to this day it still doesn't get old.

What other O'Brien artists are out there that I should check out?

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    Paul - 10 years ago
    Suggest renaming this simply "Richard O'Brien"
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    Nathaniel - 10 years ago
    Richard O'Brien is a pen name. He is not an O'Brien
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    John - 10 years ago
    "O'Brien" isn't a pen name, his birth name is Richard Smith, there was already an actor named Richard Smith, and you can't have two actors with the same name, so Smith took his maternal grandmother's name, O'Brien..... he's not an O'Brien through the paternal line, but having met the man (and been part of RHPS for nearly 20 years myself) i'll claim him as part of the clan....
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