Littlefoot Peco — 10 years ago
Mr. Miyazaki, your movies have been sensational. My personal favorite is Kiki's Delivery Service because it's so heartfelt and light. But Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle (my first Ghibli) will always hold a special place for me. Your animation and your insight are simply astounding. I wish you well in your future.start writing your new passage here...
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My First Miyazaki
A Father's Source of Joy
Where do I even start...
Thanks To You
My Miyazaki.
Pieces of Me
Opening my eyes
Dear Master of Magic,
How I Learned
Hospitalized Spirit
The Birthplace of Dreams
The Fabric of Childhood
To an Amazing man.
You saved me Mr. Miyozaki
You saved my life
You saved my life
New Beginnings
my inspriation
A Window into What Makes Us Human: Art
Before I Even Realized it was Miyazaki.
The World of Story Telling
The Beginning of My Adventure
My Favourite Films
Thank you.
Showing us a different world
The Magic of Myazaki
What I have learned from your films, Mr Miyazaki
The Most Magical Stories
Saving My Own Spirit
My Neighbors
A new view
A new place a new adventure
How wonderful life is ...
Thank you for all the crazy imaginations
Future Generations...
Thank You
The Start of a Dream
My Inspiration (art included)
Miyazaki My Inspiration
A Different View
When the world opens.
Source of Inspiration
This is amazing
Best movies
My first two movies
My first two
Wild Wonder: A Translation of Space
Beyond Boundaries
A Sister's Love
To an Ethereal Being
Strong Girls
My connection with Howl
It all started with a wizard
Thank you so much!
My Family's Future
Peace of Mind.
The beautiful worlds of Studio Ghibli
The search
My Inspiration
Remembering What It's Like...
Where Do I Begin
The art of challenge
Ghibli Life
The imaginations and wonder
Believe & Dream Again
A Magical Touch (Essay, Letter, & Artwork included)
From A Young Writer and Artist
Who I am today
My heart is stronger now that you're in it
The Valley of the Wind
Thank you for all of this and what I can't describe.
Thank You
Max's Dream feeder, Heaven builder. I know beauty surrounds him always. Thank u.
Dear Mr. Miyazaki
You made life beautiful
To the man who inspired me to become an artist, thank you.
a push towards a dream, a goal.
Something that can not really be put into words
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