When the world opens.
With entries from:
Diana Grijalva   —   10 years ago

I was three when the world opened up for me. I had just finished watching my first of your movies (Kiki´s delivery service) completely mesmerized, snacks untouched, when I decided I would not, could not, sit back and let my life become adventureless. I wasn´t really touched by the story (though it´s a great one) nor did I actually believe in magic such as witches and spells, it wasn´t the fantasy of the movie which caught my attention, unlike many other sugar-coated loud stories I had seen, it was in fact the feeling of wonder I got from watching this tiny girl Kiki, who seemed not much older than me, fly high in the sky effortlessly, as if the very vast and blue sky I´ve always loved to gaze at was just another road I could walk on. I felt restless, for my view was so small and cramped, and hers was complete and free. I wanted that view for myself, I still want it now everyday. Every single one of your dear movies I´ve seen, from then up until now at 21 has given me that same feeling and more. Your wonderful creations helped me see like nothing else how great, and mysterious, and romantic, and colorful and just overall fun the world could be if I so try my hardest to go out and witness it for myself.
So now as a young woman, wherever I go I take you with me, I live my life craving for the new, anxious to go out and find the magic spread everywhere and in everyone, I do believe there is some in this world, just saddly not in the form of fluffy black balls and charming shooting stars demons.

In a way Mr. Miyazaki, your movies have been a blessing and a curse, now I can´t stay still, and I love it, thank you.

With love and admiration.
Diana Grijalva
Ensenada, Mex.

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