Strong Girls
With entries from:
Keating Beach   —   10 years ago

In nearly every animated movie I was shown as a child, the female characters are usually one of three things: the sidekick, helpless and require the help of another(most often times a man), or substantially uninteresting. As an impressionable child, I took the portrayals of women in movies to heart, and believed it was the way I should act myself. When I played make-believe, I wanted to be a princess- wanted someone else to save me. I remember the first time I saw one of your films- Spirited Away. Chihiro was the opposite of helpless. I saw bravery in a girl who was around the same age I was- I saw a girl who dealt with her problems head-on, though she started off scared and helpless. By the end of the movie, I was mesmerized by her transformation- comparing the opening dialogue to the last words spoken. It made me realize the potential for greatness all girls carry within. Every single one of your movies portrays an amazing girl- Sophie and her spirit, San and her willpower, Nausicaa and her devotion, Kiki and her humor. After these films, while playing make-believe, I wanted to be just like your characters. Thank you, Miyazaki, for showing me that we are not sidekicks, we are not helpless, and we are not uninteresting.

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