New Beginnings
With entries from:
Abigail C.   —   10 years ago

I remember the first Miyazaki movie I ever watched. It was, of course, My Neighbour Totoro. I was a teenager at the time, and going through a rough patch in my life. I had been struggling with depression and anxiety for a long time, and I stumbled on the movie by accident while browsing online. I had a soft spot for animated movies - and so I watched it.
Watching that movie was the first time I had felt happy in ages. My mother came in at one point and saw me laughing for the first time in a long time, and she almost broke down crying. After that, I bought every one of Miyazaki's movies. They were the one constant in my life, the one thing guaranteed to put a smile on my face.
As I grew up, I stopped needing the movies as much, and I sort of drifted away from them. Recently, though, I opened a drawer and found my entire Studio Ghibli movie collection. I spent a weekend binge watching them, and it served to rekindle my love for them. It brought back dark memories of my childhood, sure, but also happy ones of light in the dark. They say everyone has one thing that keeps them sane, that keeps them grounded - and for me that thing was Miyazaki's movies.

  • - just now