My Miyazaki.
With entries from:
Kaylin Shafer   —   10 years ago

The first time I watched a Miyazaki movie I was too young to understand anything beyond a giant grinning raccoon and a witch girl that delivered baked goods. All I knew was that when I saw Tombo first see Kiki and not give up when she shrugged him off, I knew I wanted a love like that. When Satsuki followed Mei into the forest to find her, I knew I wanted to be a big sister that would do anything for her little sister despite my own fears. Each movie instilled in me something that fundamentally changed who I was. Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Ponyo, Howls Moving Castle, they all molded me into a decent human being with art work that I'm sure is not of this world. When a gift as amazing as yours comes into this world it affects people on such a massive scale it's hard to count everyone. I don't know of one person in my life right now who doesn't know who you are and doesn't have an argument as to why their favorite movie is the best movie. I'm six months pregnant with my first son and when he gets old enough to be interested in movies I will have your entire collection on stand by, most of which will be passed down from my mom and grandma. Your art and stories have been in my life from the beginning and I want more than anything to give those moments to son and hopefully he'll be molded by the magic like I was and then I'll know that at his core, he'll be a good person. Thank you for all the magic.

  • - just now