My Inspiration (art included)
With entries from:
Turcin Soylu   —   10 years ago

Dear Mr. Miyazaki,
As an aspiring animator, I feel truly blessed that this world get to see so much of your great work. With your movies, you take people on a journey, inviting them to take a glimpse at the world in your vision. Every time I watch a Ghibli movie, I am mesmerized by the immensely well-built worlds. Whether it is fantasy or based on real life, every movie is so intricate in detail, making it so believable and intriguing for the audience. I hope that one day I could create concepts as rich and unique as your work.
What inspires me the most is your love of life. The fact that you would take a walk and appreciate the color of the sky after a busy day at the studio. I believe that this love of the world around us is what drives people to create art that will resonate with people. You are truly a legend, and Thank you so much for inspiring artists like me.

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