My first two movies
With entries from:
Cassandra Silva   —   10 years ago

Hello Miyazaki! I'm so glad I stumbled upon the movie "Princess Mononoke" on the app Ifunny! I saw amazing pictures and clips of the movie and thought "Wow, I really need to see this!" so I did. After watching it I just had to see more! I did some research and found another one by you called "Spirited away". Yet again another awesome and successful movie! My favorite character in it is Chihiro. Sadly... I've only seen those two, but i'm still going to watch all the rest! I've been teaching myself how to draw in the anime art style for a while but was never able to find my own style i'm comfortable with. But with just these two films and the different features each character has, both have inspired me to become more creative and mix different styles and find my own place! The best part is sense i'm 12 I still get to teach myself more and more as I grow up! Thank you for being and inspiration!

  • - just now