Before I Even Realized it was Miyazaki.
With entries from:
Kylie Givens   —   10 years ago

When I was 9 years old, my sister and I would watch Toonami on Cartoon Network. The greats, DBZ, Sailor Moon, and all the other great anime I used to watch, were on this channel. Being so young I didn't even know what anime was. That is when I first saw Princess Mononoke. The imagery of the boar being consumed by the disease stayed with me for many, many years. I was so captivated by the story that even when I didn't watch anime anymore I still knew that image well.
I didn't get into anime again until I was in Community College. That was when I saw Spirited Away on Adult Swim. I though to myself, "Huh, this drawing style looks familiar." I googled the creator of the film and found that the beloved movie Princess Mononoke was by the same. person. After that, I collected all the Miyazaki films I could find. He is one of my favorite story tellers and artists. His worlds are stories that I will cherish forever.
Thank you Sir. Thank you for all that you do.

  • - just now