the rivers of gratitude...
With entries from:
Caroline Bobby   —   11 years ago

Dear Mr. C
(as I often call you, I hope you don't mind)
thank you for being in the world and offering your art through yourself, the way that you do. I often say, thank you Leonard. I have you singing I'm Your Man, set as my ring tone, so it's always you that tells me when to take a cake out of the oven. Thanks Leonard, I say, I've got it... The cake in the picture is my signature There's A Crack In Everything Polish Cheesecake. The first time the crack was an accident, but now I bake a little crack into all the cakes.

I've been blessed to see you 8 times during your circling the world these last years, and I especially love the rivers of gratitude that flow on these occasions. I love that we thank you and you thank us, and you thank the gorgeous musicians and sublime voices, and we thank them too... and this deep gratitude keeps moving us, moving through and between us... oh yes, I do love that... So, thank you Leonard, for being deeply in my cells, even though you don't know me at all... thank you for encouragement, comfort, delight, hilarity, grace, space... thank you for helping me find the depth and breadth of my own tenderness and a kinder way to be in the world with all that is and isn't possible...

  • - just now