No cure for my love of Leonard
With entries from:
Melissa Miles   —   11 years ago

My love started by the "Live in London" tour . My husband and I stumbled on the APT airing and my longing of hearing his course, deep notes grows stronger the more I learn of him. Over the past 5 years I have purchased 3 - double cd's . I have the need to have one in my means of transport and studio. His weave of lyrics and passion move my day. I use spotify and use the radio option and it is based on his glorious method of transformation. Radio based on Cohen....what a magical thing.

In his book of "Longing" there is a passage that sticks with me. It lies besides a self-portrait of Leonard...."The only thing I didn't need was a comb". This book is dedicated to the poet Irving Layton and in the previous passage he referred to his study as a monk. I have been there in my spiritual journey. Times we take to reflect of our path are not always ones of praise even though they should be. As we grow to love the life the path provides we forget the need of a piece of plastic. Straightening and un-combing the messes we cause in our own lives are at no ones fault but of our own. No grudges only gratitude is what Leonard's message says to me. I'm pretty certain the passage was intended to be interpreted differently.... or maybe not. I love Cohen because is motivates my mind to wander on things that I have never considered. God Bless Leonard. A Gift I cherish daily. ....Dance me to the end!

  • - just now