Mexicana Adores Leonard!!!!
With entries from:
Edna Lopez Santisteban   —   11 years ago

Well I'm sorry to say that I started late in my discovery of You..It was while watching the beginning scene of the movie Natural Born Killers...That Voice!!!...That mesmerizing Voice!...The lyrics seemed to come from within my soul...I had always been waiting for the miracle to come...for something magical! I had never known anyone with my views of Life... Listening to more of your melodic prose...I felt I had discovered my Muse!...I know, normally a muse is female... but, You inspire my existence lovely man. I always come back to You!....And I want to travel with You...and I want to travel blind...and I know that I can trust You...For you've touched my imperfect body with your Mind. Os Amo gran Hombre!!!!....Feliz Vida Eterna!!!!! Feliz 80!!!!!! Poeta Divino!!!

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