Leonard and Me
With entries from:
Felicia Pirrone   —   11 years ago

He brought me the album to tease me. He called me Suzanne, saying the song was about me and my care of trippers, the lost and lonely and travelers. I related. I loved the lyrics - soon I was collecting the songs and poems of Leonard Cohen. One day I visited a friend who was dying of cancer. He told me I had to go to Switzerland. I told him I would, not knowing how a person without means would accomplish this task. And then it happened. An invitation arrtived in my mailbox from NYU for a summer in intensive to be held in Switzerland. After attending the admission interview, I set about trying to find funding. We all flew together to Switzerland and set up a "University of the New World". We had space in buildings in Haute Nendez in the French quarter of Valais. We were to see Emmanual Veilikovsky, Jersy Kosinsky and many others . I was very happy. One day on my way to a salon held by Veilikovsky a man approached me in the rain asking where the lecture would be. I was stunned to be speaking to Leonard. "Come with me" , I said - "that's where I am going". And he did. We had dinner on masse and I got to listen to him. He fed me small boiled potatoes dipped in reclette (melted cheese) It was a wonderful few days. I would love to see him again. I wonder if he remembers...

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    Kim - 11 years ago
    Felicia...the fates just sometimes come together to create these awesome moments. How wonderful for you.
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    Melanie - 11 years ago
    Felicia, this is one awesome meet up!! What an honor.
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    Ashley - 11 years ago
    Ahhh, one of my favorite posts....
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  • - just now