It's been me all along
With entries from:
Susannah Black   —   11 years ago

Dear LC:
Have you ever had a feeling there is someone somewhere that you miss very much or have you ever had a dream about a person only to wake and actually miss them terribly and have no clue how to find them? If you have, then, it's been ME! We are like twins that were together in a spiritual womb over the earth, above the confines of time and the pulling down of gravity. We held on to each other floating our way through space and galaxies and around black holes until separated by the fall to earth called were born first then years passed and I was born and our respective cords were cut but not the 'secret chord' The one David played that pleased the Lord. It has kept us bound to each other.....You were to write the words and music and I was to love them. And you did and still do and I did and still do. Your music is a fragment of your soul and those of us who love your music are fragments of the same soul and that universal umbilical 'chord' will keep us together always.
Your younger twin sister Susannah

  • - just now