If It Be His Will
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Jerod Duris   —   11 years ago

A friend's stepfather introduced me to Cohen as "the only songwriter who gave Paul Simon a run for his money" when I was going through my first Dylan phase as a high school sophomore in 1990. I was instantly entranced, as was anyone else I turned on to him. I have followed him ever since, literally and figuratively. His book Beautiful Losers is one of my eternal favorites, and I even planned to make a film of it: to film the unfilmable. I purchased $98 worth of burlap with which to make the Native American costumes, found a seamstress willing to take on the chore gratis (sorry Julie!), and assembled a cast, but alas, the project never took off. I was unable at the time to motivate anyone, including myself. All I have to show for it is a burlap priest's smock that no longer fits. I guess that could provide me the motivation to be holy. Thank you, Leonard!

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