A moment in time.
With entries from:
Lin McCauley   —   11 years ago

It was a Saturday early evening and the World Cup Figure skaters were on the television. That was in 1988 just before David and I married. The next skater was Gary Beacom skating to "I'm Your Man" the crowd loved it as did we, but it wasn't the skating that captivated me it was the voice, those words, that stole my heart. I was thrilled that the announcer shared with the viewers information as to the singer of the music. Grabbing a pen, I quickly jotted down his name Leonard Cohen, I must have jumped up suddenly because my soon to be husband was taken aback. I had to get to my computer and learn all I could about this incredible poet. And that I did, I read, I learned, I watched and listened to his voice, his videos, his poetry his life, all through the night. I was still awake at my computer when my man woke the next morning. For an hour I began sharing with him what I had learned about the "Man". When I said I loved him, he said he understood. Smiling down at me he kissed me gently on the forehead, and said he knew and that it was alright that I had fallen in love that evening. That night was the beginning my love affair with the gentlest, most interesting men of our time... Mr Leonard Cohen. *( Link in case you wanted to check out the video.

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