I started getting into supernatural around season three on my television and fell in love. The cast of the show couldn't of been any better. They are amazing actors and play the rolls of their characters so perfectly. They also are amazing people; they make connections to their viewers in more ways than one. The AlwaysKeepFighting campaign wouldnt of gotten started or the amount of publicity it did, if it wasnt for the show, the fans and Jared and Jensen. They are simply inspirational. The show has also helped alot of people including me. I fell into a state of depression I didnt even know I was in at the time, about a year before I discovered supernatural. But once I started watching these two brothers struggle through hell and back (no pun intended) and pull through, I started to feel a connection to them and even started to share their pain. I felt as though I was right there in their Impala living their story with them. I found myself starting to watch supernatural every time I felt upset, sometimes almost to the point I just wanted to give up but I never did. Because it made me forget all my worries and pain and I felt like they were there for me. With supernatural I no longer felt alone. And after a while, I started to feel the crushing pressure of my depression start to lift and I watched my life get better, brighter. I feel I will always have a special connection to the show and the cast because of what they have done for me. I hope to one day make it to a convention and meet the cast of the people who I felt were there for me in a way I truely needed. But until then, I still have the show and my friends whom discovered supernatural much like I have, as well as my art. So thank you Supernatural, for everything. I couldn't of done it without you.