Hello there! My name is Arianna and I am a 16 year old high school sophomore from northern Illinois. So since Jensen and Jared are going to be reading this I think, then I guess I'll just kind of write this as a letter to you two. So everyone knows that "Supernatural" has helped so many people and this is kind of my story on how it helped me. So let's start from the beginning.
I found and discovered "Supernatural" back in June/July of 2015. I wasn't in school at the time, but things in my life just weren't going very well. I felt sad and confused and I felt like I just couldn't do anything. I felt drained and just done with the world. "Supernatural" gave me something to focus on and I'm beyond grateful that I found it. For a little while, everything was great! I felt awesome and happy and I started to learn even more about the show and about you two(your guy's kids are adorable by the way!). I was doing okay for a bit, but after school started up, everything began to go downhill. Everything that happened over the summer just kind of crashed down on my shoulders. I was stressed and depressed. I began sleeping less and less(haha that rhymes!). My anxiety levels escalated and I just didn't feel confident in myself whatsoever.
Now I consider myself a pretty good student. Average grades and I'm very nice and polite. Around mid-September, my grades were terrible. It's not that I didn't do my homework. It was more along the lines of, "Oh I'm going to fail this quiz or test and never be able to graduate or live my life how I want to!". I'm only 16 and yet I was thinking these outrageous thoughts. I just wasn't focused. I couldn't focus. Nothing I did could help me get back on track. During all this, I became completely enthralled with "Supernatural". I'd watch at least 5-6 episodes every other night so that I could catch up to season 10 before season 11 came out(that didn't end up happening though. I still haven't seen all of season 10 yet...). The show helped me just relax and focus my mind on something other than school and life. I'd stay up and watch YouTube videos of the Gag Reels or some funny videos of you two and the cast being silly dorks at cons. Watching them made me so happy! Just seeing you guys being yourselves and helping people made me happy, but it made me feel disappointed in myself. "I'll never be as great of people as they are....I'll never be needed or wanted." I've always had this feeling that most people just didn't want me around. I don't have that many friends and the friends that I do have, they hangout with other people around my school. There are times where even when my friends are there, I still feel deeply and utterly alone. I envy your guy's relationship. To have a friend like you Jared or you Jensen. To have that close friendship. I wish I had someone like that. Someone who I could put my total trust in and someone who I knew had my back. You two gave me something to set a goal on. Work hard, have fun, and do what you've gotta do. I'm very multitalented so I have many different options job wise.
I mostly want to become an actor, but I don't know if I have the talent for it. A singer or a musician is something that I've mostly thought of becoming(You are an amazing singer Jensen and I'm just simply mesmerized by your singing. You're a good singer to Jared!). An artist is another option, and some of my fellow peers have said that I'd make a really good English/Language Arts teacher. So many options and yet all I can think about is acting. You two are my inspiration and my goal. I hope to someday be as successful as you both, because you guys are really and truly amazing.
Sorry I got a bit off track! So really, all in all I was just very depressed. Over the next few months it got worse and worse. It got to the point where I really was about to give up. The thought of you guys was what kept me going. The thought of possibly meeting you two. Your guy's strength was my strength. Your guy's humor and jokes made my day. You both made me smile whenever I was feeling down. I really thank you for that :) You don't know how much it all really meant and still means to me :)
I'm so excited for you two to read this book and my story. And I can not wait until the day when I finally get to meet you guys. Even if it's just for a quick photo!
You both are so great and awesome and amazing. Your guy's acting skills are phenomenal and I'm so proud to see how far you both have come from season 1 all the way to season 11. You both are so talented and loving and caring and kind and sweet and I'm so thankful to be apart of the SPN Family :) Thank you both for making "Supernatural" and Dean and Sam such wonders to be watched. They, as characters, have developed so well thanks to you two.
Jensen- You are beyond awesome. You're so shy and yet you break out of your comfort zone whenever you have fun. That's kinda like me to sometimes! You're an amazing singer and in my opinion, after "you know what" ends, you should definitely go into music, because I think you could really make a good sustaining career out of it :) The first thing I want to do when I first meet you, is give you the biggest hug, because you deserve the whole world and much more! Danneel and JJ are so lucky to have you and tell them I say hello!
Jared- You are sooooo tall and I love that about you! You're so sweet and you're the cutest Moose I've ever laid eyes upon! You're so caring and I love that you're always so interested with what someone has to say. You're so funny and you're such a goofball and your smile is truly brilliant! I love your hair by the way! It's fabulous! You're so hyper and funny and so soooo energetic(I wish I was!). You're so silly and clumsy, but that's what makes you, your magnificent self. You're always the life of the party and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Thank you so much for all you both have done and thank you for reading my story. I hope you like this book that all of us fans have dedicated to put together. Thanks again boys!
Love sincerely,