Yes, I'm Employed.
With entries from:
AJ Taheri   —   9 years ago

I've never had trouble finding a job that allowed my tattoos to be visible. Mind you, I worked a handful of part-time jobs before graduating from a liberal arts college with an English degree, so maybe I'd have had a different experience if I was studying something else.

I worked retail for a while at Target, and I spent a good deal of time as a busboy at a fine-dining restaurant, where I did sometimes get funny looks, but the management knew I did good work so they didn't care what I did in my spare time. I did a good bit of landscaping for a while, and now I work for maybe I'm lucky, but I've always had a job that didn't think twice about my ink.

I knew when I got my hands and fingers tattooed that I was cutting myself off from a lot of jobs, but I liked that. I don't want a plan B; I want to be myself, and lead a life that lets me do what I want to do. I want to meet people who don't judge me on first looks and support businesses that value work ethic over appearances. I realize that appearances are important, but if I can't get a job somewhere or make a friendship with someone based on how I choose to present myself, then I don't want those people or businesses in my life.

  • - just now