...And Then I Lost Count.
With entries from:
AJ Taheri   —   9 years ago

When I was younger, I actually remember thinking that tattoos seemed like a crazy idea...who could ever be sure they'd like the same thing forever? Now here I am at 22 with the right half of my body covered in artwork based on my favorite childhood TV series.

I think I decided at maybe 14 years old that tattoos were totally cool, but it would obviously be a long while before I could do anything about that. When it came up my parents would tell me that if I still thought that by the time I was old enough to get one done on my own, it would be my decision to make. The day after my 18th birthday (my birthday fell on Easter that year so the shop was closed) I got my first tattoo.

I probably got a couple more that year, and every few months after that. I'd save up my paychecks for bills and use my tips to get work done on my body...I hardly ever spent cash on anything else because I knew it would mean I'd have to wait longer for more ink. I remember the order I got them in for the most part...up to about my fourth one. It's funny how something so permanent can be so casual once you get used to it. I got a few, then a few more, then another...and then I lost count.

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