Ever since I left home for university in 2011, I felt called to have a dog companion, but the challenge was finding the right dog. I looked for several years to no avail. Nothing felt right. I didn't know how to describe who I was looking for, but I knew that when I found my dog, I'd know it.
It turned out I was mostly right, only instead of me finding him, Sully found me.
It was the Summer of 2015, just before I was headed to England for a month. I was with my roommate at the time in San Marcos, TX. We were headed to pick up food for his dog, and it happened to be an adoption day at Petsmart. No, Sully wasn't there, but I was inspired, and my roommate suggested visiting a local rescue center just ten minutes away. Something felt right, so I agreed.
On the way, I saw a golden online that I wanted to meet, so when I got there, I asked to meet Sully. A minute later, a fifty-pound golden ran up to me. I liked her enough, but the employee said, "Oh, that's not Sully—this is Sully." And as if on cue, a giant, wool-headed, hundred-pound cartoon character of a dog came bounding up to us, stumbling all the way in his excitement. He had just been returned by his previous adopters, and his fur was full of knots and mats, and he was the coolest dog I had ever seen. When I asked the attendant why he was returned, she said he had two things on his record: 1) not a good fit for our family, and 2) will jump out of the car window if given the opportunity.
I took a leap and said yes. For the first time ever, it felt right. I was ready. Or I thought I was. I thought I was ready. The employee asked if I had a leash. I didn't. She asked if I had a water or food bowl...or food. I didn't.
"Well, go get those things first," she said, "and we'll have him ready when you get back." So off I went, back to Petsmart, only this time I was buying my own dog food.
Fast forward four years, and Sully has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. He teaches me so much about love, patience, and the importance of waking up early every single morning (even on weekends). He brings joy and happiness to my life.
I'm glad my roommate and I went to get dog food that day. And when it comes to Sully and me, I think we consider ourselves lucky.